How To Detox Naturally

de-tox (n.) \(ˈ)dē-ˈtäks\
detoxification from an intoxicating or addictive substance

Toxins are found in our air, water, food, clothing, transportation, homes, businesses, and so much more. After a lifetime of exposure, we can adjust to and even begin to ignore the signs that our bodies may have had a little too much toxin exposure:

– Frequent headaches
– Interrupted sleep on a regular basis
– Feeling drained or sluggish
– Poor complexion
– Hair thinning/loss
– Frequent mood swings
– Addiction (alcohol, nicotine, narcotics, sugar, caffeine, etc)
– Depression
– Weight gain
– Diagnosis of toxin-related diseases such as cancer, hypo/hyper-thyroidism, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc

If you experience any of these symptoms, it could be time for you to detox. With all of the toxins we are exposed to, a full body detox is required from time to time to reset your body and renew your mind. Follow Birdie’s Health Chatter as we begin The Ultimate Reset – a 21-day, completely natural, full body detox.

Ready to detox yourself? Learn more about The Ultimate Reset at: